Vevo recently launched a brand new app for iOS and we have all of the details!
The app is a significant redesign, primarily with regards to what users see when they first open it. The Android version will follow in the coming weeks.
The feed you are accustomed to is being replaced with a new “home” screen. This new home screen continues their focus on personalizing each user’s experience, while now bringing our deep library of playlists more to the forefront. Users will be surfaced playlists that feature content that their viewing habits indicate they will be interested in, as well as thematic and mood playlists based around what time of day it is.
As Vevo continues to refine their social strategy, they will be moving to less overall posts, but putting a paid spend behind most of the posts they do, to better surface the content to our followers.
To best execute this strategy, Vevo will often be asking for assets on behalf of our social team to make sure we best promote your videos and make use of the money we are putting behind the posts.
Videos not scheduled for social promotion that normally would have received a tweet from @vevo will likely still receive a RT if the artist post tags @vevo and includes a Vevo smartlink.