We created a mechanism for artists to request that FanDistro present them with opportunities to join a Collective with other Symphonic artists.
Free social media marketing? Well, basically yes.
We have partnered with FanDistro to provide you with access to a new way to build your fan base, promote a new release, tour, etc., and target geographies called Collectives. The idea is that a group of up to 5 compatible artists mutually promote each other’s Campaign. The Campaigns as well as the Collective are created easily (and beautifully) using FanDistro.
How can a Collective be fair to all members?
To make the process fair, each member commits to create a certain amount of Earned Media Value (‘EMV’) for each of the other members. EMV is calculated by FanDistro based on the level of fan engagement (likes, shares, comments, retweets, etc.) each relevant post receives. So for example, a Collective sets its EMV target at $500 and Artist “A” generates $515 in EMV with one post. Artist “B” may have to make 2 posts about Artist “A’s” Campaign because Artist “B” has a smaller or less engaged fan base. FanDistro’s algorithm for determining EMV makes sure everybody gets treated fairly.
Get an estimate for your EMV for free here.
Is there a strategy for putting together a Collective?
Yes, there are a few things that are important. First, since the objective of a Collective is to generate engagement of new fans for an artist (and therefore to create EMV) the artists should be in compatible genres. An EDM fan is more likely to become a fan of another EDM artist than he or she is to become a fan of a traditional Country artist. Also, the amount of EMV each artist is likely to generate with a post for another artist should be in the same ballpark. So, if Artist “A” in the previous question typically generates $515 in EMV with a post to Facebook, other members of the Collective should generate a compatible level of EMV, like $250 – $750 per post (+/- 50% is a good rule of thumb).
What about Geography?
Geographic expansion is a really cool opportunity with Collectives. Imagine creating a Collective with four regional artists from different regions in the same genre. Artist “A’s” fans in South Florida get introduced to Artist “B” in London, Artist “C” in Seattle, and Artist “D” in Los Angeles.
How do I Join a Collective? There are several ways:
- You are part of a label and that label invites you to join
- Create your own Collective and invite other artists to join
- Ask FanDistro to present you with opportunities to be in a Collective when you run your EMV analysis
Next Step? Cost?
Run your EMV and check the box to request FanDistro to present you with Collective opportunities. They have agreed to help form Collectives comprised of Symphonic members.
Your first Campaign and Collective are free. After that there is a subscription available for artists at $9.99/month. FanDistro is not charging Symphonic artists for presenting them with Collective opportunities now through Labor Day.
For more info, please click here.