Your image as an artist is a chance to express yourself and show your fanbase who you really are. Music streaming sites, like Spotify, gives you a chance to update your image whenever you want.
Here are some tips on how to have a great artist image:
- Embrace your personality in your image because it is basically your brand. Make it unique to your individual self and have some fun with it
- Make your photo literally pop with colors! This is a way for music listeners to notice you. Aiming for colorful backgrounds that don’t have too many distractions is a good way to go.
- You should always focus yourself in the center of your image. It looks professional and it’s a safe way to go just in case you need to crop it for different websites or even social media.
- Obviously you want a high resolution photo so people can see your image but make sure it’s sharp enough that it doesn’t grainy. Start with the original image and make sure you have plenty of space to work with so you can start editing.
- Plan how to represent yourself. Here are some things to consider:
- Wardrobe and styling should represent your personality
- Have different selections of the shots you want to take. For example, having a complete headshot or full length shots. Make sure to be proportional within the photo if you have band members or if you’re an individual artist.
- Have a good photographer to take your photo for you. They need to be aware of how you want to portray yourself to your fanbase. It’s important to strategize together because music photographers are dedicated to helping their clients to succeed. You should work together to have the best images possible.
Take these tips and incorporate them into your artist image. It is a great way to brand yourself and stand out among the crowd. Symphonic Distribution’s design services can specialize from creating logos to album covers. Take a look a here for more information.