Artists can promote their music in a unique way to a variety of audiences by creating playlists on Spotify.
We’ve put together a few Spotify playlist ideas that will have your fans pressing follow and replay!
Some of us might enjoy waking up to some crazy dub-step but others might prefer some chill sounds and a cup of coffee to wake up with first. Either way your mood matters! From anything to “Calming Music For Sleep” to “Head Banging Beats” or “Simply Focus”, your mood variations call for some musical variations as well.
Several online platforms now include mood in their search options, as this is probably the most popular theme found in playlists. Moods can be as basic as “happy” or “sad” songs but feel free to add your own creative twist on the title! Symphonic’s EDM Morning Motivation is a great example of a “moods” playlist.
Depending on what your listeners might be up to can definitely have an impact on their music choices! Someone making gains during leg day at the gym does not have the same taste in music as someone snoozing away their lazy Sundays, which is why activities is a great category for a playlist. It can be as simple as a “Sleep” playlist for those listeners hoping to catch a couple Zzz’s, or a bit more complex such as “Gaming”. Be sure to stay up to date with what interests your listeners have to match their day-to-day schedules!
Is there a specific event coming up that correlates with a holiday, party, or other fun themed events? Just as party decorations change with the event, so does the music! Whether you’re having a Christmas work party or getting ready to play at/ go to EDC Orlando, there will probably be a playlist just for you!
Creating playlists based on events such as holidays, fundraisers, music and art festivals, world movements, or simply just “Roadtrip” or “Summer Party Mix” are sure to grab fan’s attention. This fun idea is a great way to get people excited about up and coming events and should be posted at least a few weeks prior to the event’s start date.
This classic way of organizing music into mixes never gets old! Sometimes our music selection can be a general as “West Coast/ Gangsta Rap” or “90s Alternative”. Everyone loves a good throwback song so incorporating some nostalgic tunes is always a good way to get listeners to enjoy music from the past. When creating these kinds of playlists you could even post titles such as “From 80’s to Now Rock-n-Roll” to incorporate some of your favorite classics that inspired your modern music of today!
The key importance to creating any online playlist is to know who your targeted audience is. From there, everything from the track list to the title of the playlist, and even the playlist’s cover picture, should be aimed toward that group of people. For example, a throwback 60s channel versus a playlist titled “Hip-Hoppin’ Hot Tracks” is generally going to be marketed towards different types of people. Understanding your fan base is extremely crucial for playlists postings as well as other areas in the online music scene.
Need some example playlists to listen to before creating your own? Or maybe just some creative inspiration? Check out some of our Spotify playlists!
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