Selling merchandise can be very helpful when raising revenue for independent bands and artists because they may end up making more at a gig. Merchandise is key to promoting your music and for making your fans feel closer to you. The cool thing is that you don’t even need notoriety to generate these revenues, just book a few gigs to get customers and a cool design to promote yourself.
10 Cool Merch Ideas to Sell at Gigs
- T-shirts are the main items that fans love. They are easy to hold and you can wear them anytime. You can either sell them right at the merchandise table or do digital printing where you create a preview online and when it is brought by someone, it is sent directly to them.
- Always have your latest music on the merch table! For physical formats of your music, make sure to include a download code to sell online. Drop some lines to the streaming platforms where fans can find your music.
- If your tracks are on SoundCloud, you can easily make personalized mugs with your logo. These will go a long way for your fans!
- Autograph any merchandise you have because they will emphasize authenticity and fans will love it.
- Personalizing your own t-shirts and jackets is also a great way to promote authenticity. Stocking up on fabric paints and sequins will make your shirts unique to you and/or your band. Don’t be afraid to get crafty!
- Making merchandise is a great idea, such as a quick sketch or origami for individual fans while they wait in line will show your dedication to them.
- It’s important to always think about your fans and what they want. As mentioned before, make your merchandise be unique to you not just good.
- For even more creative and unique ideas, head over to where you can get anything printed on such as towels or plates. Be mindful of your audience!
- Putting on private performances for your fans is great to increase dedication from them. It’s a good idea for small indie artists and bands who want to put themselves out there.
- Think about your merchandise after it gets sold. You want to think about if what you are selling will go a long way in presenting who you are and what you stand for. Most importantly, think about how it will affect your fans.
Following these tips is a great way to personalize your merchandise and get more fans.
Don’t be afraid to go all out! Your fans will love it.