If you’ve been feeling like your Facebook reach has gone down significantly in the past couple of weeks, then you might be right. On January 11th, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that the social networking service would be adjusting its news feed algorithm in order to prioritize content from “friends, family and groups.”
Unfortunately, this means that businesses, brands, and artists will likely have a harder time getting their content seen. Luckily, you can take the following steps to continue reaching your fans and making sure your posts are getting the attention they deserve.
Here are some tips to keep reaching your fans with Facebook’s new changes.
Post less frequently
This might seem counterproductive, but it’s a step you’ll need to take if you want your posts to continue reaching your audience. Since Facebook is placing more focus on meaningful interactions between people, anything that comes off as spam will be not be met with the same reach that it might have previously.
To counteract this issue, don’t post excessively, keep the external links and tagging to the comment section and make sure your posts have meaningful and interesting content.
Create content that stimulates fan interaction
It’s no secret that fan interaction increases reach more than anything. Create content that’s worth sharing and keep your audience in mind with each and every post. Top-performing content includes images, videos, and anything that steers clear of external links.
Go live!
According to Facebook, live streaming on the platform increases interactions by 600%. Your fans will get notified every time you go live, meaning there’s more of an opportunity for clicks and shares. There are many creative ways to utilize Facebook’s live function, but some of the most commonly used methods include DJ sets, performances and live Q&As.
Don’t use ‘engagement bait’
Facebook is smart enough to know when you are ‘fishing’ for engagement, so avoid requesting a ‘call-to-action’ by fans. Let the interactions come naturally, and Facebook will refrain from demoting your posts in the News Feed.
Master the art of Facebook ads
This one is tough, but it’s one of the most important ways to increase your reach with Facebook’s new algorithm. Utilizing Facebook’s advertising features will be one of the most sure-fire ways to drive people to your page.
Everyone’s social media needs are different, but if you stick to these five tips, you will be sure to avoid some of the problems that arise for public pages due to Facebook’s new algorithm.