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You Can Now Play Tracks From SoundCloud In Serato DJ Sets
2018 saw SoundCloud make serious moves to remain competitive as a music streaming platform. Perhaps none of their newfound partnerships turned as many heads as those with DJ gear and software manufacturers – the first of which, with Serato, has come to fruition.
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YouTube Subscriber Counts Are Dropping as Site-Wide Spam Clean-Up Continues
YouTube is performing a massive clean-up of spam accounts, which the company says may result in a decrease of subscriber counts.
An official post on the YouTube product forum announced the sweep as part of routine maintenance. YouTube says the removal of spam accounts helps keep a fair playing field for creators.
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Just Like Ping, Apple Quietly Kills Off Apple Music Connect
Let’s face it – Apple just doesn’t do social. Apple Music executives found that out the hard way – again.
Several years ago, Apple shuttered a highly-publicized feature.
Similar to Last.fm, the iTunes-based social network allowed users to follow people, including artists. They could post comments, set up groups of friends, view custom songs, and find thousands of concert listings.
There was just one problem. Very few had actually used the service.
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Tencent Music Starts Trading On New York Stock Exchange, Raises $1.1BN
Tencent Music Entertainment Group’s IPO has finally arrived.
The company has officially started trading on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol TME as of today (December 12).
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Will the Music Industry Get a Copyrights Register Bill for the Holidays?
With the MMA passed, there’s time for other priorities — but not much.
Now that the Music Modernization Act has passed, music business lobbyists are trying to make some progress on other bills on their holiday wish list. One priority is the Register of Copyrights Selection and Accountability Act of 2017, which would make the country’s highest copyright official — currently chosen by the Librarian of Congress — a presidential appointee. The bill passed the House of Representatives in April and has languished in the Senate since then, but there’s a burst of effort to try to pass it before the end of the term.
\\ Read more on Billboard //