We’re thrilled to announce that Symphonic’s Director of Corporate Marketing, Janette Berrios, has been elected to Association for Electronic Music’s Executive Board for 2020.
What is the Association for Electronic Music?
The Association for Electronic Music (AFEM) is an International Board of Advisors and elected Executive Board made up of some of the leading figures in the electronic music industry.
What do they do?
The collective voice of the AFEM membership provides lobbying power wherever necessary for all legislative, commercial and industry issues as they relate to the electronic music community.
Specific working groups, chaired by our members and board and supported by AFEM operational staff, tackle a wide-ranging agenda of issues including music rights management, health and safety, metadata, managing developing markets, education and the damaging effects of piracy.
“I’m excited to be part of the Executive Board of AFEM and to be supporting a community that I feel personally passionate about and has been in the DNA of Symphonic since its inception. Our electronic independent music community thrives when we all come together and AFEM has been doing a great job at building and securing these connections. I’m looking forward to continuing to contribute to these conversations and to help connect any gaps to further strengthen this amazing community.” — Janette Berrios
Comprised of managers, label owners, publishers, agencies, promoters, retailers, distributors, media, and technology specialists, AFEM is proud to be an advocate for best practices in the genre.