With everything going on in the world right now and more time than ever on everyone’s hands, we decided to start hosting Live Q&A’s with members of the Symphonic team. This is an awesome opportunity for members of the Symphonic team to share their industry knowledge and professional experience with our community.
For our next live Q&A, we will be streaming directly from our Facebook page with Symphonic’s VP of Business Development & GM, Nashville, Randall Foster.
He will be covering details about taking care of the business you’ve neglected and should be addressing during this downtime such as: Publishing Administration, registering live shows with your PRO, maximizing and monetizing your YouTube channel, and more.
When: April 20, 2020 @ 12PM EST
Where: Symphonic Facebook page
Topic: Getting your musical house in order during these uncertain times
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to have a conversation and ask a member of the Symphonic team any questions you might have. NOW is the perfect time to get things in order whether you’re a musician, label, or manager.
Make sure to like and turn on notifications for our Facebook page and share the info with any fellow musicians or labels you think would want to tune in.
Stay safe #SymFam