Now more than ever, we cannot be silent. We stand with our community against racism and police brutality, and we’re doing all we can to incite change. On June 2nd, we took the day to reflect, get informed, be productive, start conversations, and spread resources to help the cause. It’s time to do YOUR part! In this post, we’ve provided multiple organizations you can donate to, petitions you can sign, and more to help support the movement.
5 Ways to Support The #BlackLivesMatter Movement
- Justice for George Floyd
- Justice for Breonna Taylor
- Justice for Ahmaud Arbery
- Raise The Degree
- Black Lives Matter // #DefundThePolice
To see more petitions you can sign, click here.
- Black Lives Matter
- NAACP Legal Defense Fund
- The National Bail Fund Network
- The Bail Project
- George Floyd Memorial Fund
- National Lawyers Guild
- Community Safety Looks Like
- The Conscious Kid
- Unicorn Riot
- Grassroots Law Project
Recognize the importance of reparations for slavery in the fight for racial justice, and take action by urging your U.S. House Representative to support a commission to study and develop reparation proposals for African Americans. Read more about the H.R. 40 bill here.
See where your state is at on taking action to prevent police violence here—plus, you can find your representative and see how they’re voting on the subject.
Send a message to congress to protect Black voters here, and follow the prompts here to find out who to call and what to say in order to support protections for Black-owned businesses.
Find your local, county, state, and/or federal representatives and call or email to support criminal justice reform, allocation of taxpayer funds towards community services, and call for civilian oversight of police.
Register to vote! Now’s the time to make a change! Make your voice heard at the local, state, and national levels. To get started, click here.