The traditional notion of being a creator is expanding like never before. Anyone from video editors to online personalities to artists who use video and online media to connect with the world are included in the ever evolving community of creators on the web. Now, Facebook is improving their tools that help creators earn money and manage their presence on Facebook with some new additions. Here’s the rundown…
Facebook Introduces New Tools To Help Artists Grow Their Business
Artists can now earn money with a growing variety of products best suited to the content they share and the communities they’ve built. That being said, Facebook is expanding upon their Fan Subscriptions and Stars features.
Fan Subscriptions
Artist’s fans can now show their support through a monthly subscription that gives access to exclusive non-music content like Q&As, behind-the-scenes videos, and tons of other benefits.
Fan subscriptions are currently available in the following markets:
- Australia
- Brazil
- Canada
- Mexico
- Thailand
- United Kingdom
- United States
To use fan subscriptions, your Page and content will need to be in compliance with:
- Facebook’s Monetization Standards
- Fan Funding Creator Terms
- Apple’s App Store Guidelines for Subscriptions
Your Page must also have:
- 10,000 followers or 250+ Return Viewers and one of the following in the last 60 days:
- 50,000 Post Engagements
- 180,000 watch minutes
You can check your Page’s eligibility in Creator Studio > Monetization.
Any Page in these markets that meets these eligibility criteria can sign up here.
Note: At this time, content that includes music is not available in fan subscriptions.
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Fans can buy and send Stars in the comments of a video, and creators earn 1 cent for every Star received. Stars is a great way for fans to show their support and reward the artist for building a loyal fanbase!
- Creators in these markets can apply for beta access here.
Creator Studio
In Creator Studio, Facebook is expanding their video insights to include Live and Stars performance. Not only that, they’ve added a new Video Details Explorer dashboard, which includes Traffic Sources Insights for each video. They’ve also added hourly metrics for the first 48 hours after a video is published, and in the Creator Studio app, they added the ability to publish and schedule Facebook posts right from the app.
Happy creating! 🎬