If you haven’t heard, Symphonic Starter is a new plan we launched for beginner artists looking to get started in the industry with a professional hand to guide the way. With it, you get to keep 100% of your royalties with access to top-tier tools that the big leagues get at a fraction of the price. Since launching this, many people are interested to know more about what makes this plan different. In this post, we’ll break down everything you need to know. Here are 5 Symphonic Starter tools you can’t get anywhere else…
Symphonic Starter Tools You Can’t Get Anywhere Else
Keep 100% Royalties
Like we mentioned in the intro, our Symphonic Starter plan lets you keep 100% of the royalties from your music. It’s typically common for other companies to take 15% or more of your royalties once they start racking in. This plan gets rid of that so you can use your hard earned money on doing what you love, like making more music, going on tour, etc.
Customer Support from REAL Humans
Distributors have a lot of artists to manage at one time. That means they don’t typically have the time or bandwidth to take their time with your personal needs. We made it a big point to make sure that when you need help, there’s a real person ready to help you out. They also do it in a day or less. Whatever you need, our team has your back. No question or problem is too small. We’re here to help you succeed.
Fast Delivery to DSPs
Other distributors typically take a couple days to over a week to deliver your content to DSPs. Starter does it in 3-5 days. That’s hard to beat.
Free Split Payments
Starter gives you free royalty splits/payments to all your collaborators, featuring artists, graphic designers, or anyone else you’d like to pay. Some of our competitors either don’t offer this feature or charge a fee per year per collaborator.
Individual User Roles
With this feature, you, as the account owner, can invite team members into your Symphonic account with designated roles. These roles determine what level of access each account member has within your account.
Need someone to only view and handle your Royalty accounting duties? You can do that. Want an intern to handle your release creation and inventory management? You can do that, too. Easy peasy.
To wrap it all up…
We understand not everyone qualifies for our original Partner Program. That’s one of the reasons we created this program. Symphonic Starter is the perfect launching point for beginner independent artists and producers who are just starting their journey. It’s meant to help you grow with access to big league tools at an affordable price point.
Want to try it for yourself? — Check out our official Starter page for more details.