We’re excited to announce the new Release Hub in the SMS! Now, creating a release in SymphonicMS is easier than ever. Here’s everything you need to know…
About SymphonicMS’ New Release Hub
What’s New?
Rather than having a limited 3-step process, you can now build your release using our release hub. As you’re working on creating your release, all data and assets are now on one page. That means you can jump around and add information in whatever order makes sense for you.
With this, you can see all of your release information (audio, release date, etc.) on one page as you’re building it, begin release creation prior to having finalized assets (audio, album art), and utilize a better multi-person team release creation flow where you can openly populate information at any level of the release.
Finally, you can easily see what information is needed before you’re ready to submit your release.
Not sure how to use it?
To help you out, we have a video to explain exactly how to try it for yourself. Whether you’re a new or existing client, click here to watch our instructional how-to video.
- If you have any questions, visit our help desk here.