As an independent artist, you want to make sure you’re earning revenue everywhere you can. You put a lot of effort into your projects; don’t let that hard work go unnoticed! If you’re a SoundCloud user, there’s money to be made. Here’s how to monetize your SoundCloud profile…
How To Make Money On SoundCloud
Here’s the rundown…
SoundCloud monetization gives you the ability to maximize and monetize your efforts on the platform. That includes collecting important advertising revenue generated in territories where the service is active.
What comes along with SoundCloud Monetization? This service gives you a bunch of perks. For example:
- Users hear ads while playing your music on mobile and more
- Whitelisting means no copyright issues preventing you from uploading
- Pre-clearance ensures your publishing is properly setup
- Monetization is only available in certain territories
- We will ensure your track stays online during clearance
How do you accumulate royalties on SoundCloud?
Basically, a “listen” must meet the following criteria to generate a royalty:
- Profile & track must be set up for monetization
- Listen must be longer than 30 seconds,
- must occur in a monetize-able territory,
- and must occur via Web or Mobile (as Listens that occur via an embedded app where no ads are played won’t be monetized).
How do SoundCloud royalties work through Symphonic?
In order to begin collecting SoundCloud Royalties with Symphonic, we need to make sure our clients have opted into our SoundCloud Distribution Services. The quickest way to opt in is within your SymphonicMS account. To do so, click on Rights → SoundCloud. – Next, you’ll be prompted to fill out our SoundCloud Distro service opt-in.
To ensure everything goes smoothly during this process, you’ll need to do things like:
- Send over your SoundCloud Profile URL so we can map your releases correctly and correct traction is tracked.
- Send over your SoundCloud Profile URL so we can allowlist your profile.
There’s a much more that goes into this process, which is why we wrote a whole article that breaks down every step. Check out, “How SoundCloud Royalties Work Through Symphonic” to learn everything you need to know.
In the meantime, check out these additional resources:
13 Ways Your Music Can Make You More Money
How Musicians Can Make Money on Instagram
How To Get Into Music Production As A Beginner
Good luck!

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