Having a great tour requires a lot more than Redbull and good vibes. It involves a lot of planning, promotion and strategic insight. Thankfully, booking a tour is becoming easier to pull off with the help of Spotify and SoundCloud analytics. Along with promoting your profiles and optimizing the traffic on these platforms, you can gain a lot of success from simply knowing how to properly use the endless amount of tools these sites offer. These tools give you insights into your fan base to help you decide things like where you should book a tour and what songs your fans want to hear. If you want to make your tour the best it can be, here’s what you can do…
How To Book a Tour Using Spotify and Soundcloud Analytics
SoundCloud Pro offers some awesome tools to help you see into the minds of your listeners. With Soundcloud Stats, you have the ability to see which tracks your audience listens to the most and where those plays are coming from. After signing in, you can find these stats by clicking “view all” on the stats module located on the right side of the page. This view is where all your recent plays, likes, comments, reposts and downloads live. This data offers insight that can help you make decisions concerning where to book a tour and what to prepare for different venues.
For example, maybe you’re able to see that there’s a ton of people in Atlanta feelin’ your newest release, so now you can make sure to book a huge show there as a stop on your tour and curate your set list accordingly.
Spotify also has some great features to help you out with things like this. Spotify For Artists rounds up a ton of information about your listeners like their gender, median age, geographical region, and more with their insanely useful analytical tools. Someone who’s looking to tailor their upcoming tour dates and locations with the insight from these platforms will supremely benefit from this in so many ways.
Artists can use this data to plan bigger gigs in areas with a higher concentration of their fans, create merch for a specific audience in that area, or make the gig easier to get to in areas where your popularity isn’t as strong.
Don’t stop there…
As a Symphonic client, you get access to some very helpful analytics tools right in our SymphonicMS that track key information from Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer, and Pandora. Under the Analytics menu, you can access pages that provide data like up-to-date streaming data from Spotify and Apple Music, with detailed breakdowns and more to help you see which tracks your audience is listening to the most and where those plays are coming from. If you want to optimize the chance of having sold out shows at every venue, gathering this background info will tell you exactly what your audience wants to see more of, so you can perfectly deliver every time.
You Got This!
Going on tour is one of the most exciting parts of being a musician! Meeting the fans, performing your heart out, seeing new places, all your hard work comes down to this experience. If this is your first time touring, we have a whole other article that goes through the steps of figuring out where to go, how to choose dates, reach out to venues, set your budget, deal with contracts and so much more. // Before you move forward with anything, check out that article right here.
Before you go…
There’s lot more that goes into touring behind the scenes. From scheduling and pre-tour prep to maintaining systems while the tour is underway, these posts break down even more juicy details you need to know. Check these out:
- 5 Tips for Going on Your First Tour as a Musician
- What To Include In A Tour Sponsorship Deck
- 6 Best Apps For Touring Musicians
Good luck!