Odds are you don’t write every song completely on your own. You’ve got co-writers, producers, and other creatives who have contributed to the creation of your finished song. If you want to ensure everyone is paid exactly what they’re owed, you need to master your split sheet game. In this episode of Music Biz 101, you’ll get everything you need to know about how to make one.
Music Biz 101: How To Make A Split Sheet
Here’s the rundown…
In this episode of Music Biz 101, you’ll learn the importance of split sheets, how they can help save you time and money, plus where to download your own free template. Check it out below…
If there’s one thing in life, not just the music business, that can ruin a relationship overnight… it’s money. At the end of the day, it’s up to you to protect yourself through avenues like this one. Whether it’s with split sheets or producer contracts to publishing and booking contracts, it’s up to you to cover your bases and protect future you.
✨👀 Want a FREE split sheet? 👀✨
We’ve created one for you to make things as easy as possible. Download it for free here.
Good luck!