Picking a video agency can be daunting. Who should you choose, and what do you need to know?
Well, for starters, this is an exciting time! Whether you are looking for promotional footage, a music video or any other creative work, a video agency can help you give your career a boost of legitimacy if done right. But what do you need to know when deciding if an agency is right for you?
Below are six questions to ask when picking your first video agency.
1. How long have they been in the industry?
It’s crucial to know how long an agency has been working in the music industry. Although they may have experience in other industries, each focus is different and can yield different results. The more experience, the better. If an agency has worked with a lot of similar artists, even better!
2. Are they enthusiastic about your project?
If an agency does not share the same passion as you do or understand your dedication to your craft, then it’s very likely that they won’t give their 101%. Don’t be afraid to ask a lot of questions and find out how they feel about the ideas that you have.
3. What is their turnaround time?
If you don’t have a deadline, then this question isn’t as relevant, but you should always find out how long it takes for agencies to return videos to you. If they aren’t able to deliver your product on time, then there is no reason to waste your time.
3. How organized are they?
If an agency seems unorganized from the beginning, then chances are they will be unorganized with your project too. Do you feel confident that they will meet your needs and deadlines? If not, make sure to find a company who will.
4. Can they show you examples of previous work?
Keep in mind that creatives typically share their very best work. So if their previous examples don’t meet up to your standards, then it’s likely that the work they do for you will not either. Make sure to look at as many examples as possible.
5. Will they allow revisions, and if so, how many?
Many times, you’ll want revisions when presented with a video. Find out how many revisions you’ll be allowed to make before settling on a final product. You don’t want to be stuck with a video you don’t love.
6. Finally, do you like the people involved?
If you don’t enjoy working with the video agency, then you may have trouble down the line. Make sure you have a good relationship with any video agency you work with, and you’re confident in their abilities to deliver a stellar product.
Finding a good video agency can be hard, but once you find one you trust and value, you’ll be able to use them for years to come. Good luck!

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