Last year, Spotify rolled out Marquee. Now, they’ve expanded it to all teams in the U.S and announced the launch of a new self-serve marketing tool for artists and their teams. Here’s what this means for you.
Spotify Launches New Campaign Management Tool Through Marquee
First, let’s talk about Marquee…
[bctt tweet=”Listeners who see a Marquee are more than twice (2.2x) as likely to save a track or add it to their personal playlists for future listening than if they hadn’t.” username=”symphonicdist”]
What it is is a full-screen, sponsored recommendation of your new release to Spotify Free and Premium listeners who have shown interest in your music and have the potential to listen more.
Now, they’ve announced that they’re making Marquee available to U.S. artist and label teams by beta testing a new campaign management tool in Spotify for Artists.
What does this mean for you?
So far, they’ve been working on rolling out a new Campaigns tab to U.S.-based teams in Spotify for Artists. — With this, they can schedule Marquee campaigns to promote eligible new releases.
The official announcement explains,“Since launching, Marquee has become a key marketing tool for promoting artists’ new releases, so we want to make it easier for even more teams to access the tool. With this new self-serve experience, U.S. teams will be able to create Marquee campaigns as easily as they update their profile.”
“If your team is based in the U.S., get access to the beta by setting your primary billing country to the U.S. Admins can do this by logging into Spotify for Artists on web, clicking in the top left, navigating to “Manage team” then “Billing”, and adding billing-related information. Since we’re gradually rolling out Marquee to Spotify for Artists, you’ll start seeing the Campaigns tab soon.”
For now, the beta in Spotify for Artists is limited to the U.S., but they’ve announced that they plan to expand to more markets very soon. In addition, they’ll be sharing more updates as they continue to evolve the service with time.
To stay up to date, you can follow their Linkedin here.