I’m sure everyone can relate when I say feeling creative comes in waves. Some days it flows out of you like a tsunami, and some days it may feel as stagnant as a puddle on the sidewalk. That being said, there are tons of factors that can influence your creativity, for better or for worse. In this post, we’ll give you some things in your own life that may be holding you back and limiting your creativity without even realizing it. Here’s the rundown…
5 Things That May Be Hurting Your Creativity
Your Routine Has Become Too Routine
Don’t get me wrong, having a routine is a great way to make sure you’re getting everything done on time. On the other hand, getting too caught up in the same old thing every day can be a huge creativity killer. Taking the same route home every day from work, watching the same creators online, listening to the same music, all those things can get your mind stuck in a rut.
The easiest way to switch things up is to implement new experiences into your daily routine. You don’t have to do anything drastic. Try easy alternatives like taking the long way home or playing a new genre or up and coming artist while you’re getting ready in the morning. Even trying out a new production platform to make beats is a great way to get the creative juices flowing. — Sometimes all you need is a little change of scenery.
Not Enough Natural Light
These days, artificial lighting has become so normal that we don’t even realize how much it’s affecting us creatively. Did you know something as simple as the kind of lighting in your workspace can drastically affect both your creativity and productivity?
Jane Wegscheider Hyman, author of The Light Book, says in her book:
“Sunlight not only controls the circadian rhythm that determines your body’s sleep-wake cycle, but it also strongly affects your appetite, mood, ability to heal and productivity. Sunlight plays an important role in your ability to be alert and your capacity for mental and physical tasks.” The study also showed that people who work in natural light also experienced a surge of energy after only 20 minutes, and their moods changed considerably to the point of feeling more sociable, cheerful and energetic.
Working in a studio with dim lighting for hours at a time can really take its toll on your energy to create. To remedy this, take a 20 minute break outside to recharge and get back to it with a new sense of mind.
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You’ve Lost Touch With Your Inner Child
True creativity entails letting go of complete control. It means letting go of your fear of failure, judgement, and the idea of perfection at every turn. Creating and producing music for a living is a dream for so many, but doing it professionally puts so much pressure on something that used to be just for fun. Think back on when you had no deadlines, no screaming fans to please, no masters to perfect and metadata to turn in. Think about how much fun you had just creating to create and enjoying every second of freedom to express yourself with no limits.
Sometimes the pressure of being an artist professionally can shadow the inner child that wants to dance the night away and write great music just for the love of it. But that hasn’t changed! That passionate and creative person still exists, so it’s up to you to let them out! Let go of control and tune in to why you started doing this in the first place: to have fun and enjoy the ride.
You’re Stuck In The Comfort Zone
It’s easy to get comfortable in anything you do day in and day out. And let’s face it, the comfort zone is a cozy place to be. Who wants to put themselves out there in the face of judgement and possible failure? (Definitely not me.) HOWEVER, we all know pressure makes diamonds. If you find yourself lacking creativity or motivation, pressure yourself to do something that scares you. Push yourself to try something you’ve never tried before. You may surprise yourself with how much it inspires you to leave the comfort zone more often.
Lack of Social Diversity
The people you surround yourself with have a huge impact on your life. If you surround yourself with diverse, creative people, you’ll find yourself having more diverse and creative ideas. Similarly to being stuck in a routine, spending time with the same four people may be hindering your creativity more than you realize. That’s why it’s important to put yourself out there, go to events in your area, and meet other creatives. Their unique points of view will spark new ideas for your own creative process and might be just what you need to get over your creative funk.
In Conclusion…
At the end of the day creativity comes and goes. Just because you aren’t feeling creative one day doesn’t mean you’ve lost it for good. There are tons of small changes you can make to improve your mental state and get those creative gears moving. Hopefully these ideas shed some light on your own situation and inspire you to make a change and bring your full potential into the spotlight!
You got this.